Thousands of Law Firms are hacked each year

Filot’s novel software provides SECURE and EASY TO USE document storage and transfer

We improve document storage for law firms by drastically increasing security and ease of use.

Image representing Filot's cloud based storage system that securely enables transfer while not lacking in privacy


Filot has a plethora of security features, all of which combined makes it the most secure data storage and transfer provider in the legal sector. Our security features include but are not limited to:

  • Encryption
  • Distribution
  • Bottlenecking

Ease of Use

Filot ‘s frontend and web app were developed hand in hand with legal professionals in order to create a software that is intuitive and easy to use.

In addition, our applications are able to be accessed anywhere at anytime without significantly risking any lapse in security!


Data Tracking

Filot automatically tracks all actions made on its software. Using this information, we remove the need for full manual filing of information, as many things can be easily and automatically categorized.

Learn more about our Storage and Transfer solution designed for law firms on our Legal Document Storage Page!

Private and Secure file transfer specifically using Filot's novel technology